Japnese snow scene

Climates and Cultures in History

Open Access Journal

A Subscribe-to-Open Journal

Climates and Cultures in History addresses the social, cultural, political and economic dimensions of climatic variability in human history around the world.

Publishing its first issue in 2024, Climates and Cultures in History welcomes original research and reviews on all periods of human history. The journal aims to bring into conversation what disciplinary separation has fragmented — the expertise of all the historical sciences: archaeology and ancient, medieval, early-modern and modern history. We hope, by this integrative approach, to create a thesaurus of knowledge about cultural interactions with the climate system, from the paleolithic era to the present. This new Open Access journal from the publishers of Environment and History and Global Environment seeks to bring broader attention to historical climate research in general and to emphasise its relevance in the ongoing discourse about anthropogenic climate change today. It will be a forum for collaboration to flourish between archaeologists; human, historical and physical geographers; historians; and climatologists. In this collaborative spirit, we place particular emphasis on including the perspective of researchers from countries of the Global South, which still tends to be underrepresented in (historical) climate research. The journal’s scope is global, which means it welcomes studies on any part of the world, not only at the global scale, but also at regional and local levels.

ISSN: 2635-1331 (Online, OPEN ACCESS)

The journal’s thematic scope will include, but not be limited to

  • Cultural and political history of interactions between human societies and climate (agricultural history, paleo-ethnobotany, disasters and extreme events, climate change and infrastructures, climate and the body / ‘race’ / gender, etc.)
  • The impacts of climatic changes and variability on demography, societies, cultures and civilisations
  • The collapse, adaptation and resilience of civilisations
  • The history of ideas about human influence on climate, and about ‘climate’ and climate-related natural phenomena

Subscribe to Open – Open Access and no page charges

Climates and Cultures in History is conceived as OPEN ACCESS.
At present we are seeking to cover the journal's production costs without charging author fees through a Subscribe-to-Open offer.

Climates and Cultures in History is in its launch phase and we can guarantee NO PAGE CHARGES/APCs until at least the end of 2025.

Even if the journal remains gated under S2O in future, author fees would only ever apply if the author wishes to convert their own article to OA.

Submissions are welcome

For full details see our online submission system.


Eleonora Rohland (Center for InterAmerican Studies at Bielefeld University)

Franz Mauelshagen (Bielefeld University)

Nicola Di Cosmo (Institute for Advanced Study)


Video Message from the Editors: Introduction


ISSN: 2635-1331 (Online, OPEN ACCESS via S2O)


Papers should be submitted using our ONLINE SUBMISSION SYSTEM

TOP BANNER: Evening Snow at Kanbara by Utagawa Hiroshige (1797–1858). BOTTOM BANNER: Pieter Brueghel the Elder, Return of the Hunters (1565). Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna.

hunters in the snow