EH Vol. 2(1), February 1996

Lammi Symposium
The Two Cultures Revisited: Environmental History and the Environmental Sciences Donald Worster
Environmental History and the Construction of Nature and Landscape: The Case of the ‘Landscaping’ of the Jutland heath Kenneth R. Olwig
From Resource Scarcity to Pollution Problem: The Production and Environmental Impact of a Swedish Alum Works, 1723-1877 John Svidén, Mats Eklund
Wood and Forestry in German History: In Quest of an Environmental Approach Joachim Radkau
Down by the Riverside: The Disappearing Bottomland Hardwood Forest of Southeastern North America Mikko Saikku
Ghosts of the Past: Where does Environmental History Begin? A.R Main
Tar Production in Colonial North America Mikko Airaksinen