Themes in Environmental History, 6

Selected by Sarah Johnson
Comprising essays selected from Environment and History and Environmental Values, these inexpensive paperbacks address important aspects of environmental history through theoretical essays and case studies. The readers are attracting increasing interest from course-organisers. Farming examines ‘the link between the landscape and nutrition’, the complex set of factors by which food production results from human knowledge of, interaction with and attempted mastery of the natural environment. The story of farming, very broadly, is one of evolution from subsistence to industrialisation, an evolution which – as the present volume explores, taking its cases from such diverse times and places as the pre-modern Alps, colonial Brazil and twentieth century Australia – has often severely challenged ecological and cultural equilibrium.
Introduction. Sarah Johnson
Diverse Ecological, Economic and Socio-Cultural Values of a Traditional Common Natural Resource Management System in the Moroccan High Atlas: The Aït Ikiss Tagdalts. Pablo Dominguez, Alain Bourbouze, Sébastien Demay, Didier Genin and Nicolas Kosoy
Alpine Milk: Dairy Farming as a Pre-modern Strategy of Land Use. Barbara Orland Spanish Wood Pasture: Origin and Durability of an Historical Wooded Landscape in Mediterranean Europe. Vincent Clément
A Native American System of Wetland Agriculture in Different Ecosystems in the Ecuadorian Andes (15th-18th Centuries). Chantal Caillavet
Toiling in Paradise: Knowledge Acquisition in the Context of Colonial Agriculture in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest. Rogerio Ribeiro De Oliveira and Verena Winiwarter
Contestation over Resources: The Farmer-Miner Dispute in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1903-1939. Muchaparara Musemwa
Empirical Knowledge, Scientific Authority, and Native Development: The Controversy over Sugar/Rice Ecology in the Netherlands East Indies, 1905-1914 Suzanne Moon
Agrarian Change, Cattle Ranching and Deforestation: Assessing their Linkages in Southern Pará. Pablo Pacheco
Farming at the Forest Frontier: Land Use and Landscape Change in Western Madagascar, 1896-2005. Ivan R. Scales
Soil Erosion, Scientists and the Development of Conservation Tillage Techniques in the Queensland Sugar Industry, 1935-1995. Peter Griggs
Did they Really Hate Trees? Attitudes of Farmers, Tourists and Naturalists towards Nature in the Rainforests of Eastern Australia. Warwick Frost
‘Folk-Ecology’ in the Australian Alps: Forest Cattlemen and the Royal Commissions of 1939 and 1946. Chris Soeterboek
‘Wilderness to Orchard’: The Export Apple Industry in Nelson, New Zealand 1908-1940. Michael Roche
‘Potatoes Made of Oil’: Eugene and Howard Odum and the Origins and Limits of American Agroecology. Mark Glen Madison
Pesticides and the British Environment: An Agricultural Perspective. John Sheail
Towards Sustainable Agricultural Stewardship: Evolution and Future Directions of the Permaculture Concept. Jungho Suh
In Search of Arcadia: Agrarian Values and the Homesteading Tradition in the Ozarks, USA. Brian C. Campbell
1 May 2016, Paperback, 402pp.
ISBN 978-1-874267-898, £20