EH Vol.28 (3), August 2022

Environment, Emotion and Early Modernity
Environment, Emotion and Early Modernity Sasha Handley, John Emrys Morgan
Envisaging Energy Futures: Past and Present Tanja Riekkinen
Cod, Colonialism, and the Anthropocene R. Alexander Hunter
Lusty Sack Possets, Nuptial Affections and the Material Communities of Early Modern Weddings Sasha Handley
Foodways and Emotional Communities in Early Colonial Virginia Rachel Winchcombe
Sylvan Anxieties and the Making of Landscapes in Early Modern Korea John S. Lee
An Emotional Ecology of Pigeons in Early Modern England and America John Emrys Morgan
Trees and Disease: The Ecology of the Roman Campagna in the Seventeenth Century Lisa Beaven
Summer, Sun and SAD in Early Modern England Tayler Meredith
‘The Sky in Place of The Nile’: Climate, Religious Unrest and Scapegoating in Post-Tridentine Apulia Giovanni Tarantino
Ana Lucia Camphora, Animals and Society in Brazil from the Sixteenth to Nineteenth Centuries Orsolya Barna
Alison K. Smith, Cabbage and Caviar: A History of Food in Russia; Stephen V. Bittner, Whites and Reds: A History of Wine in the Lands of Tsar and Commissar David Moon
Dipesh Chakrabarty, The Climate of History in a Planetary Age Atte Arffman
ESEH Notepad Massimo Bernardi, Luke Keogh, Ådel V. Franzén