EH Vol.29 (3), August 2023

Editorial David Moon, Leona Skelton
The Horka Litter Raking Incident: On Foresters and Peasants in Nineteenth-Century Moravia Péter Szabó
Wild Blue: The Post-World War Two Ocean Frontier and its Legacy for Law of the Sea Helen M. Rozwadowski
Building a Puerto Rico ‘Better than the One We Lost’: Hurricane San Felipe II and the Puerto Rican New Deal Alex Standen
A Question of Utter Importance: The Early History of Climate Change and Energy Policy in Sweden, 1974–1983 Kristoffer Ekberg, Martin Hultman
Managing Coastal Sand Drift in the Anthropocene: A Case Study of the Manawatū-Whanganui Dune Field, New Zealand, 1800s–2020s Dissanayake Mudiyanselage Ruwan Sampath, James Beattie, Joana Gaspar De Freitas
William Wheeler, Environment and Post-Soviet Transformation in Kazakhstan’s Aral Sea Region: Sea Changes Sarah Cameron
Sean Nixon, Passions for Birds: Science, Sentiment and Sport Ana Isabel Queiroz
Fei Cheng, Modern Chinese Migration and the Socio-Ecological Transformations in Australia and New Zealand Shaoming Duan
Victor Seow, Carbon Technocracy: Energy Regimes in Modern East Asia Clarence Hatton-Proulx
ESEH Notepad: Reflections on Legacies, Failures, and Successes Marco Armiero