NP Vol.27 (2), September 2023

Sedentist Biases in Law, Policy and Practice
Sedentism as Doxa: Biases against Mobile Peoples in Law, Policy and Practice Greta Semplici, Cory Rodgers
Seeing Cattle like a State: Sedentist Assumptions of the Namibian Livestock Identification and Traceability System Max Mauerman, Venomukona Tjiseua, Dylan W. Groves
The Bureaucratic Trap: Registered Residence and Sedentist Bias in Italian Social Cohesion Policies for Roma and Sinti Stefania Pontrandolfo, Marco Solimene
Sedentist Epidemiology: COVID-19 Policies and Pastoral Mobility in Turkana County, Kenya Cory Rodgers, Greta Semplici
Schooled Tuaregs’ Engagement with Mobile Pastoralism in the Agadez Region (Niger): Avoidable Sedentism and Alternative Forms of Cooperation Sarah Lunaček
Legal Ambiguity and Land Dispossession: Multi-Scale Conflicting Views on Territorial Authority at the Herlen Bayan-Ulaan State Reserve Pasture Area, Mongolia. Sandagsuren Undargaa
No Option but to Settle! The Community Land Act, Devolution and Pastoralism in Samburu County, Kenya Rahma Hassan, Karuti Kanyinga, Iben Nathan
Concluding Commentary Maryam Niamir-Fuller
Antonio Allegretti, Policy and Practice in Rural Tanzania: Grazing, Fishing and Farming in the Local-Global Interface John G. Galaty