EV Vol.33 (2), April 2024

Ecological Economics and the Plurality of Values: Engaging the Work of Clive L. Spash
Living with integrity John O’Neill
Reconnecting with the social-political and ecological-economic reality Claudia E. Carter
Being of deep transformations: A personal journey inspired by Clive L. Spash Iana Nesterova
Building on Spash’s critiques of monetary valuation to suggest ways forward for relational values research Rachelle K. Gould, Austin Himes, Lea May Anderson, Paola Arias Arévalo, Mollie Chapman, Dominic Lenzi, Barbara Muraca, Marc Tadaki
‘I didn’t count “willingness to pay” as part of the value’: Monetary valuation through respondents’ perspectives Lina Isacs, Cecilia Håkansson, Therese Lindahl, Ulrika Gunnarsson-Östling, Pernilla Andersson
Participant perceptions of different forms of deliberative monetary valuation: Comparing democratic monetary valuation and deliberative democratic monetary valuation in the context of regional marine planning Jacob Ainscough, Jasper O. Kenter, Elaine Azzopardi, A. Meriwether W. Wilson
Exploring economic dimensions of social ecological crises: A reply to special issue papers Clive L. Spash
Clive L. Spash, Foundations of Social Ecological Economics: The Fight for Revolutionary Change in Economic Thought Arild Vatn