GE Vol.17 (2), June 2024

Silent Springs. Global Histories of Pesticides and our Toxic World(s)
Introduction: Silent Springs. Global Histories of Pesticides and our Toxic World(s) Marin Coudreau, Céline Pessis
Soviet Plans, Capitalist Chemistry: Khimizatsiya and the Western Pesticide Companies in the Age of Poisons Marin Coudreau
Arsenic to the Rescue of European Potatoes: The Institutionalisation of Plant Protection in France and Germany (1920s–1950s) Margot Lyautey
Dumping in the Global Dixie: Circle of Poison and the Contamination of the Global South Amy M. Hay
Tales Behind a Spice: Toxified Terrain and Tortured Bodies in the Making of Indian Small Cardamom Anu Krishna
Tailor-Made Pesticides. Understanding the Pesticides Market in a Productive Agricultural Region of the Cambodian Mekong Delta Eve Bureau-Point, Jean-Philippe Venot, Sreytouch Heourn
Safer than in the USA? The Reception of Silent Spring in France and the Difficulties in Achieving European Regulations on Pesticides, 1962–1976 Bleuen Merrer, François Dedieu, Céline Pessis, Christophe Bonneuil
Stop Experimenting on Us! Judicial Stories of Pesticide Resistance in Argentina María Valeria Berros
Glyphosate Bonding (2020) Eun Sun Cho
‘Field Pieces’ (‘Ackerstücke’) and ‘Transects’ (‘Transekte’). Two Photographic Attempts to Capture Biodiversity in Agricultural Crop Land Thilo Mokros
Facing Environmental Denialism: Lessons from the Bolsonaro Nightmare José Augusto Pádua