PP Vol.1 (2), October 2024

Networks of Plants and the Language of Resonance in Science and Literature
Introduction: Networks of Plants and the Language of Resonance Gabriele Dürbeck, Yixu Lu
On Being Called by Plants: Phytopoetics and the Phytosphere John C. Ryan
Plant Parts: Vegetal Tropes and their Phytopoetic Resonances Across Botany and Culture Joela Jacobs
Becoming Media: Elements of a Media History of Plants Birgit Schneider
Interspecies Entanglements. Plant History and Racial Theory in Georg Forster’s Essay Vom Brodbaum (On The Breadtree, 1784) Nick Enright
Resonance and Vegetal Citizenship in Aldo Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac Hannes Bergthaller
Dangerous Resonances in Charlotte McConaghy’s Once There Were Wolves Claudia Keller
Plant Worlds Heather I. Sullivan
New German-language Nature Writing and the Language of Resonance and Reflection Gabriele Dürbeck, Yixu Lu
‘With/for Plants’: Resonances in Dance and Contemporary Performance (Ruth Geiersberger) Gabriele Brandstetter
Into the Wind: Writing with a Fig Tree Merve Ünsal
Moth Graffiti Christopher Konrad
Zoë Schlanger, The Light Eaters: How the Unseen World of Plant Intelligence Offers a New Understanding of Life on Earth Jayson Maurice Porter