PP Vol.2 (1), April 2025

Editorial John Charles Ryan

An Archaeology of Ruderal Futurism Alex Young

Alien Plants between Practices and Representations: The Cases of European Spruce and Beach Rose in Finland Harri Uusitalo, Heta Lähdesmäki, Kirsi Sonck-Rautio, Otto Latva, Hannu Salmi, Teija Alenius

Poppies and Women Under the Linden Tree in a Slovak Village: Exploring Culturally Significant Plants Through Informed Archaeological Storytelling Zuzana Chovanec

Plants as Designers of Better Futures: Can Humans Let Them Lead? Julian Rutten, Alexander Holland, Stanislav Roudavski

Photographic Phytography: Towards a Photographic Re-Centring of the Oak Tree within Theory, Material and Practice Epha J. Roe

A Journey through Soviet and post-Soviet Plant Entanglements Susanne Fehlings

A Birch Memory Web Mykyta Peregrym

Conversations with Trees: The Experiences of an Arboreal Pilgrim Isabella Clarke

Plant Intelligence in Moist Spaces: Designing Data Visualisations of Botanical Life Minjie Wen

Three Poems from Blazing Star Megan Kaminski

Religar, from the Forest Time Project Evgenia Emets

Hiromi Ito, Tree Spirits Grass Spirits Daniela Kato

Joela Jacobs and Agnes Malinowska (eds), Microbium: The Neglected Lives of Micro-Matter Maura Flannery

Laura Drouet and Olivier Lacrouts (eds), Greenhouse Stories: A Critical Re-Examination of Transparent Microcosms Tamara Caulkins