NP Vol. 18(2), 2014
Reshaping Tribal Identities in the Contemporary Arab World
In Memory of I.M. Lewis Jan Monteverde Haakonsen
Introduction. Reshaping Tribal Identities in the contemporary Arab World: Politics, (Self-)Representation, and the Construction of Bedouin History Laila Prager
The Persistence of Bedouin Identity and Increasing Political Self-Representation in Lebanon and Syria Dawn Chatty
Producing (Tribal) History: Gendered Representations of Genealogy and Warfare in Northern Syria Katharina Lange
Bedouinity on Stage. The Rise of The Bedouin Soap Opera (Musalsal Badawi) in Arab Television Laila Prager
Changing Performance Traditions and Bedouin Identity in the North Badiya, Jordan Kathleen Hood, Mohammad Al-Oun
The New Rise of Tribalism in Saudi Arabia Sebastian Maisel
Bedouin Place Names in the Eastern Desert of Egypt Joseph J. Hobbs
Bedouins’ politics of place and memory: a case of unrecognised villages in the Negev Bogumila Hall