NP Vol. 18(1), 2014

The Emerging World of Pastoralists and Nomads

Obituary of Pierre Bonte (1942-2013) with a Select Bibliography of his Major Works Barbara Casciarri, John G. Galaty

Translocal Practices on the Tibetan Plateau: Motorised Mobility of Pastoralists and Spatial Transformations Lilian Iselin

Ambiguities of Space and Control: When Refugee Camp and Nomadic Encampment Meet Alice Wilson

They Talk to Us but Never Listen to Us’: Development-Induced Displacement among Syria’s Bedouin Haian Dukhan

‘Unused’ Land and Unfulfilled Promises: Justifications for Displacing Communities in East Africa John G. Galaty

Ethiopia’s Pastoralist Policies: Development, Displacement and Resettlement Elliot Fratkin

Cattle Reduction and Livestock Diversification among Borana Pastoralists in Southern Ethiopia Did Boru, Moshe Schwartz, Michael Kam, A. Allen Degen