EH Vol.29 (1), February 2023

Editorial David Moon, Leona Skelton

History, Education of Desire and the Creation of New Energy Worlds Kristoffer Ekberg, Angelica Wågström

Reimagining the Playful, Healthy and Sustainable City Jon Winder

The Accuracy Trap: The Values and Meaning of Algorithmic Mapping, from Mineral Extraction to Climate Change William Rankin

The Great Chichimeca Landscape: Pre-Hispanic Natural Resources Use Adi Estela Lazos Ruíz, Claudio Garibay Orozco

Eserewondo Rozongombe: Livestock as Sites of Power and Resistance in Kaokoveld, Namibia John Heydinger

The Retreat of the Human: Processes of Rewilding after Warfare in Sichuan, China Shang Yuan, Edwin Schmitt

Tactile Taxidermy: The Revival of Animal Skins in the Early Twentieth Century Museum Alice Would

Sander Govaerts, Armies and Ecosystems in Premodern Europe: The Meuse Region Nicole Archambeau

Jeremy Zallen, American Lucifers: The Dark History of Artificial Light, 1750–1865 Barrie Blatchford

ESEH Notepad: The Springtime of Environmental History (France, June 2022): A Concluding Experiment Renaud Bécot, Steve Hagimont, Fabien Bartolotti, Corinne Beck, Camille Bésombes, Perrine Camus-Joyet, Marin Coudreau, Laetitia Deudon, Juliette Dumasy, Stéphane Frioux, Romain Grancher, Adeline Grand-Clément, Nicolas Jacob-Rousseau, Francois Jarrige, Claire Milon, Marc Pave, Emilie-Anne Pépy, Solène Rivoal, Marguerite Ronin, Alexis Vrignon, Nessim Znaïen

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