NP Vol.28 (1), March 2024

Editorial Saverio Krätli

Human Mediation between Mother Animals and Their Young in Livestock Reproduction – a Case Study on Lamb Bags Haiyan Bao, Jiligen Fu, Takahiro Ozaki, Zhenzhen Liu, Saqiri 

Pastoralist Mobility along the Sudanese Ethiopian Borderland: Towards Cooperative Land Management Hussein M. Sulieman, Adam Babekir, Abdel Ghaffar M. Ahmed

Gender-Differentiated Roles and Perceptions on Climate Variability among Pastoralist and Agro-Pastoralist Communities in Marsabit, Kenya Armara Macimilliam Galwab, Oscar K. Koech, Oliver V. Wasonga, Godfrey Kironchih

Bedouin Poetry as an Art of Memory. The Dialogue between the Present and the past in the Political Poetry of the Negev Bedouin Kobi Peled

Pastoralists, Camels and State-Making: The Banu Sakhr and Glubb Pasha in Early Twentieth-Century Jordan Patrick Hegarty Morrish

Herder–Scientist Gathering and Herder Festival in Hungary Margareta Amy Lelea, Zsolt Molnár, Bálint Sándor, Ann Waters-Bayer, Sina Maghami Nick, Sacha Mouzin, Martin Nadarzinski, Elena Galán, Ibolya Sáfiánné

Carolyn Kornfeld Lesorogol (1965–2023) – In Memoriam Bilinda Straight

Carolyn K. Lesorogol, Conservation and Community in Kenya: Milking the Elephant Lucas Elius Yamat, Pablo Manzano

Letizia Bindi (Ed.), Grazing Communities. Pastoralism in the Move and Biocultural Heritage Frictions Bernard Hubert

Anna Odland Portisch, A Magpie’s Tale: Ethnographic and Historical Perspectives on the Kazakh of Western Mongolia Raphael Blancher

Echi Christina Gabbert, Fana Gebresenbet, John G. Galaty and Günther Schlee, Lands of the Future: Anthropological Perspectives on Pastoralism, Land Deals and Tropes of Modernity in Eastern Africa Cory Rodgers