Opening Our Backlist

Adopt a Book

The White Horse Press is committed to reducing and removing barriers to access for the material we publish. After all, the best, latest thought on environment and society is relevant to, literally, everyone. We are pushing hard to become a fully open access publisher, and that includes flipping all our back publications under CC BY licenses. Our priorities are to flip books by ECRs, independent researchers and scholars from the Global South, in order to encourage wider dissemination of their works and to diversify citations.

To make our Open Access future a reality, we need your help.

As a very small press, we only publish around five books a year so our backlist is short. We have already been able to flip a few of our backlist books through support from institutional partners, via Knowledge Unlatched, or from authors or anonymous donors. Our current and forthcoming titles are often OA from the start, and are now likelier to be so thanks to the Open Book Collective. But we still have 39 backlist books and four current books to flip.

Whenever we convert a paywalled book to Open Access, it means permanently forgoing certain future income streams that were part of our budgeting for the book’s original production (e.g. eBook sales, usage on JSTOR, licensing payments etc). As we transition to Open Access, our health as a small business thus depends on attracting a little income to offset that loss of projected revenue. We welcome support at any level from institutions who share our ambition to make scholarship open, and who might be able to help us offset the financial cost and risk of opening our backlist.

Here you can see our whole backlist plus our ‘current’ titles (published in the last year). The books that still need to be flipped are listed first, and our OA books down below. We can flip any backlist book for GBP £2,000 or any current title for £4,000 (to offset greater impact on projected hardback sales). We will happily accept smaller contributions, too.

Anyone contributing funds at any level can choose what title to support.

Any contributor providing £500 or more can choose their title, and:

• will have their name and logo printed on the eBook’s verso, to credit their contribution;
• will be credited on our OA Supporters webpage;
• can have a gratis print copy of the book they’re supporting, either for their own library or for any other recipient of their choice.

Any contributor providing sufficient funds to flip two or more books in one go can, in addition to all the above, have a free standard online-only subscription (one-year including full backset access) to any one of our subscription journals, excluding ‘Environmental Values’ which moved to SAGE in 2024.

If you would like enable open scholarship by adopting a book from the White Horse Press backlist, or if you have any questions, please contact us on If you would like to help ensure Open Access for our forthcoming books, then the best way to do so is via the Open Book Collective.


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open access books


books still to flip


open access

Backlist Books – Still Paywalled

Authors/Editors Title Keywords Pledged Support
Themes in Environmental History (Series) Animals [A reader targeted at students]
Camphora, Ana Lucia Animals and Society in Brazil, from the Sixteenth to Nineteenth Centuries Brazil, animals, history
Piccioni, Luigi
Università della Calabria
The Beloved Face of the Country: The First Movement for Nature Protection in Italy, 1880–1934 Italy, conservation, history
Themes in Environmental History (Series) Bioinvaders [A reader targeted at students]
Elliott, Paul A.
University of Derby
British Urban Trees: A Social and Cultural History, c. 1800–1914 trees, Britain, cities, history
Mulwafu, Wapulumuka Oliver
Chancellor College, University of Malawi
Conservation Song: A History of Peasant-State Relations and the Environment in Malawi, 1860-2000 Malawi, peasants, conservation, history
Lambert, Robert A.
University of Nottingham
Contested Mountains: Nature, Development and Environment in the Cairngorms Region of Scotland, 1880–1980 mountains, development, Scotland, conservation
Rotherham, Ian D.
University of Sheffield
Eco-History. An Introduction to Biodiversity and Conservation conservation history, biodiversity, British Isles
Hyde, Dominic
University of Queensland
Eco-Logical Lives. The Philosophical Lives of Richard Routley/Sylvan and Val Routley/Plumwood biography, ecological philosophy, Australia
Barca, Stefania
University of Coimbra
Enclosing Water: Nature and Political Economy in a Mediterranean Valley, 1796-1916 Italy, water, political economy
Rowling, Jane
Calder and Colne Rivers Trust
Environments of Identity: Agricultural Community, Work and Concepts of Local in Yorkshire, 1918–2018 Yorkshire, agriculture, community, history
Themes in Environmental History (Series) Farming [A reader targeted at students]
Gillis, John and Franziska Torma
Harvard University
Fluid Frontiers: New Currents in Marine Environmental History blue humanities, oceans, change
Quigley, Peter
University of Hawaii
The Forbidden Subject: How Oppositional Aesthetics Banished Natural Beauty from the Arts eco-criticism, aesthetics, Nature appreciation
Chatty, Dawn
University of Oxford
From Camel to Truck: The Bedouin in the Modern World Bedouin, transport, nomadism
Mathis, Charles-François and Émilie-Anne Pépy
University of Bordeaux-Montaigne; Université Savoie Mont Blanc
Greening the City: Nature in French Towns from the 17th Century France, greenery, cities, history
Oba, Gufu
Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Herder Warfare in East Africa: A Social and Spatial History pastoralism, east Africa, warfare
Themes in Environmental History (Series) Indigenous Knowledge [A reader targeted at students]
Themes in Environmental History (Series) Landscapes [A reader targeted at students]
Sternberg, Troy and Dawn Chatty
University of Oxford and University of Lisbon; University of Oxford
Modern Pastoralism and Conservation: Old Problems, New Challenges pastoralism, environmental change, development, traditional practices
Sikora, R.I. and Brian Barry (eds.) Obligations to Future Generations future generations, population, environmental ethics
Bennett, Judith A.
Pacific Forest: A History of Resource Control and Contest in Solomon Islands, c. 1800–1997 Pacific, forestry, resources, empire
Ahearn, Ariell and Troy Sternberg
University of Oxford; University of Oxford and University of Lisbon
Pastoralist Livelihoods in Asian Drylands: Environment, Governance and Risk pastoralism, drylands, Asia, governance
Moon, David, Nicholas B. Breyfogle and Alexandra Bekasova
University of York; Ohio State University; National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Place and Nature: Essays in Russian Environmental History Russia, environment, history
Armeiro, Marco
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
A Rugged Nation: Mountains and the Making of Modern Italy Italy, mountains, history
Dargavel, John and Elisabeth Johann
Science and Hope, A Forest History forestry, forest science, sylvan future
İnal, Onur and Yavuz Köse
University of Vienna (both)
Seeds of Power: Explorations in Ottoman Environmental History Ottoman Empire, environment, history
Corona, Gabriella
A Short Environmental History of Italy: Variety and Vulnerability Italy, environment, history
McNeill, J.R. and Verena Winiwarter (eds)
Georgetown University; BOKU
Soils and Societies: Perspectives from Environmental History society and soils, soil fertility, erosion
Bonan, Giacomo
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
The State in the Forest. Contested Commons in the Nineteenth Century Venetian Alps Italy, Alps, forests, history, Venice
Racz, Lájos
Szeged University
The Steppe to Europe: An Environmental History of Hungary in the Traditional Age Hungary, environmental history, early modern period
Sieferle, Rolf Peter The Subterranean Forest Industrial revolution, fossil fuel, energy transition
Caruso, Valerio
Università degli Studi, Torino
The Swamp of East Naples: Environmental History of an Unruly Suburb Italy, Naples, environmental degradation, history
Myllyntaus, Timo (ed.)
University of Turku
Thinking Through the Environment: Green Approaches to Global History mind and environment, cultural lens, indigenous peoples
Mathieu, Jon
University of Bern
The Third Dimension: A Comparative History of Mountains in the Modern Era mountains, history
Sylvan, Richard Transcendental Metaphysics: From Radical to Deep Plurallism metaphysics, philosophy, plurallism
Themes in Environmental History (Series) Trees [A reader targeted at students]
Skelton, Leona J.
Northumbria University
Tyne after Tyne: An Environmental History of a River’s Battle for Protection 1529–2015 rivers, Tyne, conservation, history, England
John Dargavel
Anthropocene DaysAnthropocene, memoir, forest history
Claiton Marcio da Silva
Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, Brazil
The Making of Modern Agriculture: Nelson Rockefeller’s American International Association (AIA) in Latin America (1946–1968)agriculture, history, Rockefeller, AIA, Latin America
Beinart, William, Karen Middleton and Simon Pooley
University of Oxford; Birkbeck
Wild Things: Nature and the Social Imagination cultural history, more-than-human, visual culture, environmental imagination

Current Books – Still Paywalled

Authors/EditorsTitleKeywordsPledged Support
Ann HoltTaking a Walk: A History of Recreational Walking in Britainwalking, rambling, Britain, history, outdoors

Open Access Books

Authors/EditorsTitleOA enabled by
Claiton Marcio da Silva, Claudio de MajoThe Age of the Soybean: An Environmental History of Soy During the Great AccelerationA collective of the authors’ institutions.
Eric KatzAnne Frank’s Tree. Nature’s Confrontation with Technology, Domination, and the HolocaustAnonymous donor.
Lisa Mol and Troy Sternberg (eds)Changing Deserts: Integrating People and their EnvironmentKnowledge Unlatched
Mark LuccarelliThe Eclipse of Urbanism and the Greening of Public SpaceIowa State University Libraries
Pavla Šimková and Milica ProkićEntire of Itself? Towards an Environmental History of IslandsThe Open Book Collective
l’Université de La Réunion
Christian Wenkel, Eric Bussière, Anahita Grisoni and Hélène Miard-DelacroixThe Environment and the European Public Sphere: Perceptions, Actions, PoliciesKnowledge Unlatched
Geneviève Massard-Guilbaud and Richard Rodger (eds)Environmental and Social Justice in the City: Historical PerspectivesKnowledge Unlatched
Viktor Pál, Tuomas Räsänen and Mikko Saikku (eds)Green Development or Greenwashing? Environmental Histories of FinlandA collective of the authors’ institutions.
Mark Dunkley, Lisa Mol and Anna Tulliach (eds)Heritage at War: Plan and PrepareKnowledge Unlatched
Jon MathieuMount Sacred: A Brief Global History of Holy Mountains Since 1500Anonymous donor.
Greta SempliciMoving Deserts: Interrogating Development and Resilience in the Pastoral Drylands of Northern KenyaThe Open Book Collective
Andrea Petitt, Anke Tonnaer, Véronique Servais, Catrien Notermans and Natasha Fijn (eds)Multispecies Ethnography and Artful MethodsThe Open Book Collective
University of Liège
The Australian National University
Christof MauchParadise Blues: Travels through American Environmental HistoryBundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Daniel Svensson, Katarina Saltzman and Sverker SörlinPathways: Exploring the Routes of a Movement HeritageGothenburg University
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Antonio AllegrettiPolicy and Practice in Rural Tanzania: Grazing, Fishing and Farming at the Local–Global InterfaceLancaster University Library
Björn-Ola LinnerThe Return of Malthus: Environmentalism and Post-war Population–Resource CrisesLinköping University
Ariell Ahearn, Troy Sternberg, Gantulga Munkherdene and
Takahiro Ozaki (eds)
Rural Transitions in Mongolia and Central AsiaUKRI