OA Books

OA book publication with WHP

We want to make research outcomes freely discoverable by the widest possible audience. In 2021 we therefore launched our Open Access Books programme, with books published under Creative Commons Licensing on a variety of platforms. We apply the same scholarly and editorial standards for OA books as for our traditional publications and all proposals are subject to equal standards of peer review. Our Open Access procedures aim to meet the requirements of major research funders. In all cases a print version will also be available for purchase and OA publication will be simultaneous with that of any print version.

The White Horse Press is the only publisher specialising in environment and society. While we are small, our publishing standards are high. Open Access removes potential barriers to visibility that a small publisher faces in the retail market. You can be assured that an OA volume with WHP will be as visible as one from a larger publisher; and we are certain that your author experience will be second to none. 

Costs of Open Access Publication
You can see some of the ways our Open Access costs are covered on our OA Supporters page. We anticipate that we will increasingly be able to support Open Access book publication via funding from the Open Book Collective, at no cost to authors or their institutions. However, we recognise that book processing charges (BPCs) are sometimes still appropriate if authors’ institutions can support them. Open Access BPCs will vary according to the complexity of the work but indicative costs are as follows:

• Up to 80,000 words £8,000
• Up to 100,000 words £9,000

These charges, unlike those of some other publishers, include copyediting and the provision of an index. The charges may be split between multiple authors, for example in the case of edited volumes.

We are also working to convert the entire White Horse Press backlist to OA. Chapter level Open Access is also available.

Please contact Sarah Johnson (sarah@whpress.co.uk) if you have any queries about Open Access book publication with The White Horse Press.


Our current OA Book Projects

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