Nomadic Peoples
This page shows volumes of Nomadic Peoples published by The White Horse Press (from Volume 18, 2014). Contents of all volumes from 1997–present are available on LUP. The Commission on Nomadic Peoples of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) in collaboration with the Ford Foundation has digitised, preserved and extended access to the issues of the journal of Nomadic Peoples from its inception in 1979 up to 1996. For direct access to these back issues visit the Commission on Nomadic Peoples journal page.
NP Vol.29 (1), March 2025

Pastoral Resilience and Transformation in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH)
Introduction: Pastoral Resilience in a Changing World in the Hindu Kush Himalaya Wu Ning, Srijana Joshi, Yi Shaoliang
Pastoralism in Shimshal: Adapting Old Practices to Meet New Challenges Hermann Josef Kreutzmann
Yak Pastoralism in Transition: Changes and Challenges in Yak-Rearing Practices in Lhonak Valley, Sikkim Nirjala Rai, Uttam Lal
Yak Herding as a Livelihood Teetering on the Brink of Extinction: A Case Study from Ura Village in Bhutan Jigme Wangdi
Changing Mountain Pastoralism and Its Impacts in the Hindu Kush Himalayan Region: The Case of Kushum, Pakistan Zahir Ahmad, Julio C. Postigo, Fazlur-Rahman, Kamal Hussain, Farhana Altaf
Safeguarding Mountain Pastoralism through an Alternative Insurance Mechanism Susmita Satyal, Rajesh K. Rai, Srijana Joshi, Tashi Dorji, Basant Pant
The Transformation of Maldarai (Pastoralist Livelihood) in Yarkhun Valley, Chitral, Pakistan: Impacts of Neoliberalism, School Education and Climate Change Abdul Wahid Khan
Behavioural Biology of Kashmir Markhor for Sustainable Rangeland Management in the Hindu Kush Region Shah Fahad Ali Khan, Muhammad Khisroon
Pastoralism and the State: The Changing Profile of Pastoralism in India Today Anita Sharma
Giannandrea Mencini, Pascoli di carta. Le mani sulla montagna Luca Battaglini
Anthony Sattin, Nomads: the Wanderers Who Shaped Our World Freya Hope
NP Vol.28 (2), September 2024

Editorial Saverio Krätli
Customary Land Governance and Conflict Resolution among the Debne and Weima Afar Clans, Northeast Ethiopia Dejene Debsu
Introduction to Special Section Júlio Sá Rêgo, Athanasios Ragkos
Special Section – Research Articles
Beyond the ‘Wild Shepherd’: How Global Capitalism Has Reshaped Pastoralism. Suggestions from a Mediterranean Island Domenica Farinella
The Decline and Revitalisation of Transhumance in the Valles Occidentales of Spain’s Aragonese Pyrenees María E. Fernández-Giménez
A Classification of Pastoralism in Spain: Understanding the past to Address Present Challenges Rubén Serrano-Zulueta, Antonio Gómez-Sal, Ferrán Pauné, Elena Velado-Alonso, Jesús Garzón, Agustín Del Prado, Pedro María Herrera, Julio Majadas, Francesca Pasetti, Esther Prada-Llorente, Pablo Manzano
Special Section – Opinion Piece
The Shepherd Community of the Albanian Alps: Perspective on the Importance of Preserving Transhumance Practices Martine Wolff
Kobi Peled, Words Like Daggers: The Political Poetry of the Negev Bedouin Dawn Chatty, Linda Pappagallo
I. Scoones (Ed.), Pastoralism, Uncertainty and Development. Katherine Homewood
Ilse Köhler-Rollefson, Hoofprints on the Land: How Traditional Herding and Grazing Can Restore the Soil and Bring Animal Agriculture Back in Balance with the Earth Cory Rodgers
NP Vol.28 (1), March 2024

Editorial Saverio Krätli
Human Mediation between Mother Animals and Their Young in Livestock Reproduction – a Case Study on Lamb Bags Haiyan Bao, Jiligen Fu, Takahiro Ozaki, Zhenzhen Liu, Saqiri
Pastoralist Mobility along the Sudanese Ethiopian Borderland: Towards Cooperative Land Management Hussein M. Sulieman, Adam Babekir, Abdel Ghaffar M. Ahmed
Gender-Differentiated Roles and Perceptions on Climate Variability among Pastoralist and Agro-Pastoralist Communities in Marsabit, Kenya Armara Macimilliam Galwab, Oscar K. Koech, Oliver V. Wasonga, Godfrey Kironchih
Bedouin Poetry as an Art of Memory. The Dialogue between the Present and the past in the Political Poetry of the Negev Bedouin Kobi Peled
Pastoralists, Camels and State-Making: The Banu Sakhr and Glubb Pasha in Early Twentieth-Century Jordan Patrick Hegarty Morrish
Herder–Scientist Gathering and Herder Festival in Hungary Margareta Amy Lelea, Zsolt Molnár, Bálint Sándor, Ann Waters-Bayer, Sina Maghami Nick, Sacha Mouzin, Martin Nadarzinski, Elena Galán, Ibolya Sáfiánné
Carolyn Kornfeld Lesorogol (1965–2023) – In Memoriam Bilinda Straight
Carolyn K. Lesorogol, Conservation and Community in Kenya: Milking the Elephant Lucas Elius Yamat, Pablo Manzano
Letizia Bindi (Ed.), Grazing Communities. Pastoralism in the Move and Biocultural Heritage Frictions Bernard Hubert
Anna Odland Portisch, A Magpie’s Tale: Ethnographic and Historical Perspectives on the Kazakh of Western Mongolia Raphael Blancher
Echi Christina Gabbert, Fana Gebresenbet, John G. Galaty and Günther Schlee, Lands of the Future: Anthropological Perspectives on Pastoralism, Land Deals and Tropes of Modernity in Eastern Africa Cory Rodgers
NP Vol.27 (2), September 2023

Sedentist Biases in Law, Policy and Practice
Sedentism as Doxa: Biases against Mobile Peoples in Law, Policy and Practice Greta Semplici, Cory Rodgers
Seeing Cattle like a State: Sedentist Assumptions of the Namibian Livestock Identification and Traceability System Max Mauerman, Venomukona Tjiseua, Dylan W. Groves
The Bureaucratic Trap: Registered Residence and Sedentist Bias in Italian Social Cohesion Policies for Roma and Sinti Stefania Pontrandolfo, Marco Solimene
Sedentist Epidemiology: COVID-19 Policies and Pastoral Mobility in Turkana County, Kenya Cory Rodgers, Greta Semplici
Schooled Tuaregs’ Engagement with Mobile Pastoralism in the Agadez Region (Niger): Avoidable Sedentism and Alternative Forms of Cooperation Sarah Lunaček
Legal Ambiguity and Land Dispossession: Multi-Scale Conflicting Views on Territorial Authority at the Herlen Bayan-Ulaan State Reserve Pasture Area, Mongolia. Sandagsuren Undargaa
No Option but to Settle! The Community Land Act, Devolution and Pastoralism in Samburu County, Kenya Rahma Hassan, Karuti Kanyinga, Iben Nathan
Concluding Commentary Maryam Niamir-Fuller
Antonio Allegretti, Policy and Practice in Rural Tanzania: Grazing, Fishing and Farming in the Local-Global Interface John G. Galaty