Place and Nature


ISBN 978-1-912186-16-7 (HB)
ISBN 978-1-912186-88-4 (PB)

Essays in Russian Environmental History

Edited by David Moon, Nicholas B. Breyfogle and Alexandra Bekasova

Exploring Russis’s Environmental History

This book offers new perspectives on the environmental history of lands that have come under Russian and Soviet rule by paying attention to ‘place’ and ‘nature’ in the intersection between humans and the environments that surround them. Through case studies of specific places in northwestern Russia, for example the Solovetskie Islands, the Urals, Siberia, in particular Lake Baikal, and the Russian Far East, the book highlights the importance of local environments and the specificities of individual places and spaces in understanding the human-nature nexus. This focus is accentuated by the fact that the authors have considerable, first-hand experience of the places they write about that complements and supplements their research in textual sources. Read more.


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