Electronic Access
This page gives conditions for subscription access. For prices and ordering see our ‘journal prices‘ page and our ‘subscribe to open‘ page. For open access conditions see our ‘permissions and copyright’ page. Please note we shall be changing our online platform for subscription journals at the beginning of 2024. More details.
Our journals are available online at the following locations:
Climates and Cultures in History at
Environment and History at
Environmental Values at
Global Environment at
The Journal of Population and Sustainability at
Nomadic Peoples at
Plant Perspectives at
Worldwide Waste at
Online issues are also deposited with the British Library, and we participate in LOCKSS, a system of multiple deposit with subscribing academic libraries.

We also preserve our content with PORTICO a long-term archive from ITHAKA.

These initiatives are designed to preserve the integrity of the online edition and make it very difficult to make changes once it has been published, so while we are sometimes asked to correct mistakes in the online edition this is not possible after its publication any more than we can change the printed edition once it has been printed.
Older back issues of the print edition are also available in an electronic form on JSTOR.

Online access to gated content hosted for us by LUP can be arranged by contacting the LUP subscriptions team on This applies to Environment and History, Global Environment and Nomadic Peoples.
Online access to Environment Values can be arranged via SAGE, who now publish this title for The White Horse Press.
All other journals are hosted by us on OJS, and are currently Open Access.
Terms & Conditions
The following terms and conditions apply to institutional subscriptions to the electronic versions of White Horse Press journals.
For full details see our journals price list.
Access to the electronic version is included with institutional subscriptions to the print version. This access is ‘perpetual’ for volumes actually subscribed to; i.e. we undertake that it will endure for at least as long as the journals continue to be published by The White Horse Press. Subscriptions now include temporary access to the full backset, during the subscription year only, at no extra cost.
Perpetual access to back volumes more than two years old is available at a substantially reduced rate.
Institutions buying back volumes of the print version at current prices (available direct from the publishers) will be entitled to free online access, to be arranged with the publishers at the time of purchase.
Institutions requiring the online version and not the print version can subscribe to the electronic-only version for approximately 90 percent of the institutional print subscription.
All subscription sales are now handled by the LUP subscriptions team, whom you can contact on
* Users are not required to sign a contract unless this is a requirement of their institution.
* Standard rate online access is for a single institution. This covers multiple campuses within a single local area. Multi-site access is available, at the publisher’s discretion, for single institutions with dispersed sites. (Library consortia are specifically excluded.)
* All members (employees, faculty, staff and students) of the subscribing institution are entitled to access. This includes visitors or members of the public accessing via terminals located on the site and under the control of the subscribing institution, and home computers belonging to staff and students where access can be authenticated by the institution.
* Use of the electronic versions of the journals should be for the purposes of private research or study and not for resale or commercial gain.
* Single copies of articles may be downloaded, stored on a PC or printed out.
* Where multiple copies of articles are required for course packs etc., the user should seek permission via RightsLink or the Copyright Licensing Agency and will be required to pay the fees currently in force.
* Articles may be stored in digital format in electronic collections held by the institution for teaching or research purposes.
* Articles may be forwarded to other members of the institution but no dissemination to individuals who are not members of the institution should take place. The electronic version may not be used for inter-library loan. Institutions may, however, supply a single paper copy of an individual article to authorised users of another library by post or fax, for the purposes of research or private study and not for commercial use. Such document supply may also be made by secure transmission using Ariel software, or similar, provided the electronic file is deleted immediately after printing.
* All reasonable efforts should be made to ensure that members of the subscribing institution are aware of and abide by these conditions of use.

Usage Statistics
COUNTER-compliant usage statistics for Environment and History, Global Environment and Nomadic Peoples are available from LUP Subscription Services for institutional subscribers. Please contact the LUP subscriptions team on for more information. We cannot currently provide librarians with usage statistics for our Open Access journals.
We are working towards making our PDFs accessible. From 2024, all articles published in Environment and History will be tagged according to PDF/UA (ISO 14289) accessibility standards. However, PDFs have limitations, especially for articles with footnotes, as screen readers may not deal correctly with reference and note tags. To overcome this problem, in response to specific requests, we may be able to provide individual articles in EPUB format.
Against Modern Slavery
Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.
The White Horse Press opposes modern slavery in all its forms, and will not knowingly cooperate or transact with any party that perpetrates modern slavery.