Open Access Supporters

The White Horse Press is committed to reducing and removing barriers to access for the material we publish. After all, the best, latest thought on environment and society is relevant to, literally, everyone.

With the move towards Open Access accelerating across the scholarly publishing industry, we’re seeing more opportunities than ever before to break through the financial constraints that have traditionally limited readership for our books and journals. We are making considerable progress towards a fully Open Access future. The momentum we’ve built so far has only been made possible through the support of a range of institutions and partners, whose support we gratefully acknowledge.


We warmly thank those institutions and others who have directly enabled us to publish some of our books and journals Open Access.

Other Supporters
• All their 2024 subscribers are enabling open access through Subscribe to Open for: Climates and Cultures in History, Global Environment, Nomadic Peoples, Plant Perspectives and Worldwide Waste.
• A collective of the authors’ institutions enabled The Age of the Soybean and Green Development or Greenwashing?
• An anonymous donor enabled Anne Frank’s Tree. Nature’s Confrontation with Technology, Domination, and the Holocaust.
• An anonymous donor enabled Mount Sacred: A Brief Global History of Holy Mountains Since 1500.

Frameworks and Infrastructures

We gratefully acknowledge the work done by those setting up infrastructures and frameworks that enable small presses like us to connect with potential institutional supporters.

White Horse Press participates in the Open Book Collective, where libraries can choose to support our open access book frontlist through a membership programme. You can read our most recent OBC Activity Report here.

White Horse Press participates in the Subscribe to Open Community of Practice, which has given us the insight and confidence to move towards open access journal publishing on a Subscribe to Open (S2O) basis. Support from library and individual subscribers has allowed us to open the Nomadic Peoples entire 2023 output at no cost to authors or readers. We gratefully thank all of our S2O subscribers for their support. We intend to offer Nomadic Peoples as Subscribe to Open again for 2024, along with other journals too. More details.

We have successfully flipped several books to Open Access with the support of libraries working through Knowledge Unlatched.

Other Partners

In addition to financial support to cover our costs, our Open Access transition depends on developmental and operational support from a number of other important partners. These include:

We also gratefully acknowledge the support and insight of a number of individuals who have gone above and beyond to help us find our way in Open Access: Judith Barnsby, Romy Beard, Rod Cookson, Joe Deville, Martin Eve, Rupert Gatti, Sharla Lair, Sam Moore, members of the Subscribe to Open Community of Practice, and others.