The White Horse Press publishes academic journals and books specialising in environmental issues.
White Horse Press journals are distributed by
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Orders for current volumes of White Horse Press journals and for current and back-order online-only subscriptions should be placed with Turpin Distribution services by phone, mail or online.
PRINT BACK ISSUES for the current and previous 2 years are available from Turpin Distribution. 'ONLINE ACCESS' MEANS PERMANENT ACCESS FOR VOLUMES ACTUALLY SUBSCRIBED TO - IT DOES NOT INCLUDE ACCESS TO BACK VOLUMES ONLINE ONLY BACK VOLUMES for subscription years before 2020 are available at greatly reduced rates - please apply to the publishers.
White Horse Press Journals: Year 2022![]() Environmental ValuesISSN: 0963-2719 (print) 1752-7015 (online). First published 1992 (Vol.1)Editor-in-Chief: Clive L. Spash, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business. Deals with underpinnings of environmental policy, especially philosophical and economic aspects. Calendar year subscriptions only. SIX issues per year (February, April, June, August, October, December). Vol 31, 2021
Institutions: Print subscription £375 ($533 US). 5% discount to all agents (includes electronic access via IngentaConnect)
Individual: Print subscription £115 ($176 US) (includes electronic access via IngentaConnect)
Student/unwaged: Print subscription £90 ($140 US)
Single Print Issues: Institutions £75 ($114 US)
Environment and HistoryISSN: 0967-3407 (print) 1752-7023 (online). First published 1995 (Vol. 1)Editor: Karen Jones, University of Kent. Interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the history of human interactions with the natural environment. Calendar year subscriptions only. FOUR issues per year (February, May, August, November). Vol 28, 2022
Institutions: Print subscription £310 ($429 US). 5% discount to all agents (includes electronic access via IngentaConnect)
Individual: Print subscription £90 ($137 US) (includes electronic access via IngentaConnect)
Student/unwaged/ESEH member: Print subscription £70 ($104 US)
Single Print Issues: Institutions £90 ($118 US)
Global EnvironmentISSN: 1973-3739 (print) 2053-7352 (online).Editors in Chief: Mauro Agnoletti, University of Florence and Gabriella Corona, National Council of Research, Naples. A journal of transdisciplinary history Calendar year subscriptions only. THREE issues per year. Vol 15, 2022
Institutions: Print subscription £185/€231/$280US. 5% discount to all agents (includes electronic access via IngentaConnect)
Individual: £75/€88/$110US (includes electronic access via IngentaConnect) Student/unwaged/ESEH member: Print subscription £55/€62/$79US
Single Print Issues: Institutions £75/€88/$104US
Nomadic PeoplesISSN: 0822-7942 (print) 1752-2366 (online).Editor: Saverio Krätli, Commission on Nomadic Peoples. International journal concerned with the current circumstances of all nomadic peoples around the world and their prospects. Calendar year subscriptions only. TWO issues per year Vol 26, 2022
Institutions: Print subscription £150/€180/$215US. 5% discount to all agents (includes electronic access via IngentaConnect)
Online-only subscription £145/€170/$203US
Student (includes CNP student membership): Print subscription £40/€48/$56US
Single Print Issues: Institutions £82/€100/$115
White Horse Press Journals: Year 2021![]() Environmental ValuesISSN: 0963-2719 (print) 1752-7015 (online). First published 1992 (Vol.1)Editor-in-Chief: Clive L. Spash, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business. Deals with underpinnings of environmental policy, especially philosophical and economic aspects. Calendar year subscriptions only. SIX issues per year (February, April, June, August, October, December). Vol 30, 2021
Institutions: Print subscription £355 ($485 US). 5% discount to all agents (includes electronic access via IngentaConnect)
Individual: Print subscription £110 ($160 US) (includes electronic access via IngentaConnect)
Student/unwaged: Print subscription £87 ($128 US)
Single Print Issues: Institutions £71 ($104 US)
Back Issues
Environment and HistoryISSN: 0967-3407 (print) 1752-7023 (online). First published 1995 (Vol. 1)Editor: Karen Jones, University of Kent. Interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the history of human interactions with the natural environment. Calendar year subscriptions only. FOUR issues per year (February, May, August, November). Vol 27, 2021
Institutions: Print subscription £295 ($390 US). 5% discount to all agents (includes electronic access via IngentaConnect)
Individual: Print subscription £87 ($125 US) (includes electronic access via IngentaConnect)
Student/unwaged/ESEH member: Print subscription £66 ($95 US)
Single Print Issues: Institutions £83 ($108 US)
Back Issues
Global Environment NOW THREE ISSUES PER YEARISSN: 1973-3739 (print) 2053-7352 (online).Editors in Chief: Mauro Agnoletti, University of Florence and Gabriella Corona, National Council of Research, Naples. A journal of transdisciplinary history Calendar year subscriptions only. Three issues per year. Vol 14, 2021
Institutions: Print subscription £175/€210/$255US. 5% discount to all agents (includes electronic access via IngentaConnect)
Individual: £70/€80/$100US (includes electronic access via IngentaConnect) Student/unwaged/ESEH member: Print subscription £50/€57/$72US
Single Print Issues: Institutions £70/€80/$95US For current and previous 2 years order from Turpin Distribution; for all earlier years order print back issues from Periodicals Service Company. For earlier online only back volumes please apply to the publisher.
Nomadic PeoplesISSN: 0822-7942 (print) 1752-2366 (online).Editor: Saverio Krätli, Commission on Nomadic Peoples. International journal concerned with the current circumstances of all nomadic peoples around the world and their prospects. Calendar year subscriptions only. TWO issues per year Vol 25, 2021
Institutions: Print subscription £150/€175/$210US. 5% discount to all agents (includes electronic access via IngentaConnect)
Individual (includes CNP membership): Print subscription £55/€65/$75US (includes electronic access via IngentaConnect)
Student (includes CNP student membership): Print subscription £40/€47/$53US
Single Print Issues: Institutions £82/€99/$112 For current and previous 2 years order from Turpin Distribution; for all earlier years order print back issues from Periodicals Service Company. For earlier online only back volumes please apply to the publisher.
The following titles are no longer published by the White Horse Press:
Society and Animals ISSN: 1063-1119
Worldviews: Environment, Culture, Religion ISSN: 1363-5247
Inner Asia ISSN 1464-8172
are now published by Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden
Anarchist Studies ISSN: 0967-3393
is now published by Lawrence and Wishart
Studies in Travel Writing ISSN 1364-5145 (print) 1755-7550 (online)
is now published by Routledge/Taylor and Francis
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